Valley of lilac and Kosovo tour, 3 days/2 nights *

(Place of departure: , )

Tour code: #267
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Following the red pion (UNESCO tour) - Let us go on a trip during which we will discover Kosovo and Metohija; for Serbian people – the south province of the Republic of Serbia and cradle of historie and culture, for Albanian – the youngest self-determination europian country. Visit some of the pearls UNESCO world cultural inheritance, inspire in centuries of spirituality and tradition, find about interweaving and permeating traditions and heritage of two great cultural-civilization circle, feel the magic of culinary treats... Uncover Kosovo and Metohia together!


You will visit the Žiča monastery from the 13th century
You will visit the Patriarchate of Peć
You will visit the impressive endowment of Stefan Dečanski, Visoki Dečani monastery
You will visit Prizren (Church of St. George, Church of St. Nicholas, Virgin of Ljeviška, Šadrvan)
You will visit the complex of the monastery of St. Archangel
You will visit the Gračanica monastery complex
Pristina and its historical monuments
Monument to Kosovo heroes
Murat's turbe

Tour description:

Day 1.

Departure from Novi Sad from the parking in front of Hotel Sajam at 06:00, Belgrade 07:30 from the parking on Novi Beograd. Continuation of the journey to Kraljevo with short breaks for rest. Arrival in monastery Žiča, the foundation of Stefan Nemanjić from XIII century and the first center of the Serbian Orthodox church after becoming independent 1219. At the end of the tour through the monastery complex –  we continue the journey to Raška and lunch in ethnic house “Čakmara”. After lunch, we continue the road to the Monastery of Banjska belonging to the Diocese of the Raska-Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church and located in Zvecan in the northern part of Kosovo and Metohija. It represents a stationary cultural asset as a cultural monument of exceptional significance. The Monastery of Banjska with a church is dedicated to the Holy Archdeacon Stefan, the protector of the Nemanjić line, was built between 1313 and 1317, as the endowment of Serbian King Stefan Uros II Milutin, one of the most powerful rulers of the Nemanjić dynasty and one of the most powerful rulers in the Balkans of his time. After the tour, we go to Kosovska Mitrovica where after the arrival there is a panoramic sightseeing tour of the city, and a short retreat at the Church of Saint Dimitrios, from whose plateau there is a panoramic view of the whole town, and then we are expecting accommodation in the hotel and dinner. Overnight stay.

Day 2.

Breakfast. Check-out from the hotel. After breakfast, we will visit Peć and Pećka patriarchy, one of the pearls of Serbian construction from the XIII century. 2006. It was registered on UNESCO list of world cultural inheritance and till the middle of the XVIII century, it was an advanced monk center with hundreds of monks. It is still the center of Serbian patriarch, who is on that place introduced in the throne of the Patriarch. Pećka patriarchy was including mostly Serbs, but also many others orthodox people under its jurisdiction, so the Rila Monastery was under its jurisdiction too. During the Ottoman rule, it had enormous significance for the preservation of religious autonomy and Christian identity. Continue along the way to Visoki Dečani and tour of the impressive foundation of Stefan III Dečanski. The building is finished in the middle of the XIV century, before the battle of Kosovo. The monastery is dedicated to Christ Pantokrator and Ascension – Ascension Day. At the end of the planned tours, there is lunch and a continuation of the journey towards Prizren. After arrival in Prizren – a three hours tour of cultural and historical sites (St. Đorđe’s church from the end of the XIX century, the center of Bishop of Raška and Prizren; Prizren Serbian orthodox seminary, opened at the end of the XIV century; St Nikola’s church from XIV century, also known as Tutić’s church; Bogorodica Ljeviška – the endowment of King Milutin from XIV century, the center of Prizren Bishop which is placed on UNESCO list in 2006. as the part of ensemble of medieval monuments in Kosovo and Metohia and it is destroyed both by Turkish authorities, in XVIII century when the part of the frescos is ruined with hammers, covered with plaster and church turned into mosque, and in attacks by Albanian extremists in 2004., Šadrvan – central city square with fountain, hamam, derviš tekia – Islamic sacral structure for gathering of dervishes – followers of Sufism, Catholic Church of Our Lady of eternal help...) At the end of planned tours, we continue our trip to Holy Archangels monastery and tour of the complex. Holy Archangels monastery is the foundation of Serbian emperor Stefan Dušan the Mighty (king 1331 – 1346., emperor 1346 – 1355.), which is in the canyon of river Bistrica, not far from Prizren in Metohia, in the foothills of Dušan’s town and it belongs to Raška and Prizren Eparchy of Serbian Orthodox Church. It was built between 1343. and 1352. on a place of the old church within fortress Višegrad as mausoleum church of emperor Dušan and it’s considered to be a highlight of Serbian sacral architecture. A monastery is destroyed during XVII century to give the building material with which is Sinan Paša constructed mosque, which is still in the center of Prizren and the only visible remains of its. Accommodation in monastery residence and overnight stay.

Day 3. 

Breakfast. After breakfast, we continue the journey towards Gazimestan and visit the Memorial to the Kosovo heroes. Then follows the Muratov turbine where Murat's womb is stored, while the balsam body is in Bursa in Turkey. Tour in the complex. After the tour, we leave for Pristina, followed by a one-hour tour of the city and its most important cultural and historical monuments (the city center, the casket of Mother Teresa, the theater, the Skenderbeg monument, the Jasper Pasha Mosque) and the newly built cathedral dedicated to Mother Theresa, the largest Roman Catholic temple in the Balkans construction completed in 2010. The next stop will be the Gračanica Monastery, the endowment of King Milutin from XIV century. Gračanica is one of the most important monuments of the old Serbian culture, originated in the 14th century. On the walls can also be found portraits of the Serbian archbishop and patriarch, as well as the funeral scene of the Gracanica metropolitan Dionisi. A collection of old icons is preserved in the monastery today, among which is the icon of Christ the Merciful which dates from the 14th century, which is unique in its dimensions (269 cm to 139 cm). After the tour, we go to Gracanica for lunch. After the lunch (around 16:00), we will continue the journey through Nis towards Belgrade and Novi Sad. Arrival to Novi Sad around 23: 45h. End of the program.

* Upon application for arrangement, it would be necessary to write down the address of the passenger in the footnote. This step is necessary to Issue you a Travel Guarantee Certificate. 

Dates of departure:

Fri 23.05.2025
Fri 05.09.2025

Location of departure Address of location Time of departure Supplement or discount for departure from the place
Skejt park kod TC Ušće 7.30 -
Parking kod hotela Sajam 6.00 h 15 EUR

Conditions for free cancellation

Free cancellation till 6 days before departure.

Notes for transport

* A van or a mini bus with up to 30 seats. SUPPLEMENT FOR THE DEPARTURE FROM NOVI SAD: 8€ PER PERSON

Included in price

complete organization and management of road
service of tourist guide during the entire trip
1 night with breakfast in 4* hotel in Kosovska Mitrovica
1 night with breakfast in the residence of Holy Archangels monastery at Prizren
1 dinner with traditional music at the hotel in Kosovska Mitrovica
1 dinner in residence of Holy Archangels monastery at Prizren
Lunch second and third day
tickets for all listed locations

Not included in price

personal expences during the trip

Valley of lilac and Kosovo tour, 3 days/2 nights * (5)

  1. 1566 Vera Ivkovi?

    Дивна тура. Видела сам: Жичу, манастир Бањска, Косовску Митровицу, Пећку патријаршију, дуд који је посадио Св. Сава, Високе Дечане, Призрен, манастир Св. Архангела, Грачаницу, Газиместан, Приштину. Осетила сам: велики понос што припадам народу тако величанствене историје и културе, стид што превише тога битног тек сад сазнајем, топлину и гостољубивост људи са Косова и Метохије, њихову велику наду у будућност српског Косова и Метохије (кажу тек је готово прво полувреме), величанствен мир у Душановом граду, смирење у Дечанима, тугу у Љевишкој, немир људи у Косовској Митровици, понос у Грачаници, стид због запуштености Газиместана, понос на полазнике Богословије у Призрену, љутњу што у музеју код Муратовог турбета нема текста на српском језику... Сазнала сам: превише тога да бих набројала, али и колико је кратко трајала Косовска битка, да је највеће благо ризнице Дечана свећа коју је оставила царица Милица након Косовске битке да је упали онај ко ослободи Косово као и ко ју је упалио, делић истине о томе како живе Срби на КиМ, како су монаси оружјем бранили и одбранили Дечане,... Упознала сам: два дивна домаћа водича, посвећене монахе и монахиње српских манастира, један "осунчан" брачни пар који ми је улио наду да прави људи постоје, једну госпођу коју је испунило даривање људи и која каже да је својим даром више добила, али и неке који су отишли на пут због фотографија за Фејсбук не знајући шта фотографишу, ... Једина препорука: водич треба да буде добро поткован знањем о дестинацији и заинтересован. Нису сва путовања за опуштање. За то се иде на море. На оваква путовања се иде да се нешто научи и испуни те за читав живот. Изузетност локалних водича је то надокнадила, али могло је још боље.

  2. 1029 Tatjana Kalinic

    Ponovo ste potvrdili da ste izuzetna agencija. Program je fenomenalan,ali samo jedna manja kritika za njega. Prenatrpano je za 3 dana. Trebalo bi dodati jos 1 dan i jedno nocenje. I jedino jos umesto obilaska Pristine u kojoj osim modernih gradjevina nema sta da se vidi treba ubaciti Manastir Banjsku koja je svakako usput. I nije nuzno imati jednom mesecno dovoljno je to organizovati 3do 4 puta od proleca do jeseni. Inace Vodic, Olgica, na ovoj turi iako nije istoricar je izuzetno potkovana istorijskim cinjenicama i znanjem svake vrst. A vozaci Milan i Marijan su fantasticni momci. Pravi profesionalci. Jos nesto iako telekom tvrdi drugacije reci putnicima u programskoj napomeni da na Kosovu nema signal ni za jednu nasu mrezu,osim MTS samo u Kosovskoj Mitrovici/ Pravo bogatstvo je bilo otici na kosovo i obici sve te svetinje,ali jos jednom ponavljam malo prenatrpano.

Price from * : 199 RSD

Promotional price is valid for reservation minimum 7 days before departure.

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